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Check the status of your E-filed return and Refund using the IRS tool “Wheres my refund?”.
If you're an individual taxpayer, you can use this tool to view: Your payoff amount, updated for the current calendar day, The balance for each tax year for which you owe, Up to 24 months of your payment history, Key information from your current tax year return as originally filed.
Did you owe the IRS money or need to make an estimated payment ? Make a payment using the make a payment button which takes you to the IRS direct link to choose your payment options.
The IRS encourages everyone to use the Tax Withholding Estimator to perform a quick “paycheck checkup.”  The Estimator helps you identify your tax withholding to make sure you have the right amount of tax withheld from your paycheck at work. If you need help we also offer this and other more in depth and personalized tax planning services.
For Sales Tax, Texas Franchise Tax  or other information on Texas taxes 
Formation of Texas Entities FAQs
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